Minggu, 21 September 2014

Trying to farm yams, is promising advantages

Trying to farm yams, is promising advantages, because sweet potato has a high yield potential, can reach 30-40 tons / hectare, when attempting to use the right technology.
Sweet potato is a tuber crop taken. In some places, sweet potato leaves used as a vegetable. These plants grow and spread very suitable to be cultivated in the tropics.

Tip sweet potato cultivation organically

There are three types of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a popular cultivated in Indonesia, which was pure white sweet potatoes, red and purple. The three types of sweet potatoes has improved varieties with high productivity. Some of the popular varieties of sweet potato, among others Cilembu sweet, ibaraki, lampeneng, georgia, Borobudur, Pramba Rumtar88.com agen bola sbobet ibcbet casino 338a tangkas togel online Indonesia terpercaya nan, Mendut, and Kalasan.

Cultivation of sweet potatoes suitable carried out in the tropics are hot and humid. The ideal temperature for this plant is 21-27oC with 750-1500 mm rainfall per year. Cultivation of sweet potatoes require about 11-12 hours of sun exposure a day.

In Indonesia, the cultivation of sweet potato achieve optimal productivity when grown in the lowlands up to an altitude of 500 meters above sea level. However, these plants can still grow well at elevations above 1000 feet, it's just planting until harvest period becomes longer.
Preparation of sweet potato seedlings

Preparation of seeds in sweet potato cultivation can be done in two ways, namely by generative and vegetative. The first is the propagation through tubers. How to select good quality and healthy bulbs, then left in place until the come out moist and shaded shoots.

Shoots coming out of the bulb is cut and ready to be raised. Generative way rarely done in large scale cultivation of sweet potato. This method is used to propagate seeds in a limited scale. Or to restore the superior characteristics of the parent.

The second way is by vegetative propagation distek. Candidates were taken from plant breeders over the age of two months with a short segment. DAUNPKR.COM AGEN POKER DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERBAIK TERBESAR DAN TERPERCAYA The trick, cut the stem of the plant is approximately 15-25 cm long. In each piece there are at least two stem segments. Papas most of its leaves to reduce evaporation. Tie the stems distek and leave for one week in the shade.

Kamis, 04 September 2014

for watering the beds.

Corn Cultivation Techniques www.CaraMenanam.Com | Guide on How to Plant and Plant Cultivation Techniques Page 4 - Alternative Pulau Tidung 2: 1 hype (10-15 liters) give 1 tablespoon pressed eat SUPER NASA to flush + 10 m beds. Planting Techniques 1 D. Determination of Plant Some cropping pattern commonly applied: a. Intercropping (intercropping), planting more than one plant (the same or different ages). Example: intercropping same age as corn and soybeans; intercropping different ages such as maize, cassava, upland rice. b. Overlapping shifts (Multiple Cropping), performed in succession throughout the year taking into account other factors for maximum benefit. Example: corn, upland rice, soybeans, peanuts, etc.. c. Plants Bersisipan (Relay Cropping): cropping pattern by inserting one or several types of crops other than staple crops (planting within the same or different times). Example: pasted corn peanuts, corn before harvest time pasted beans. d. Plants Mixed (Mixed Cropping): planting consists of some plants and grow without spacing or larikannya set, all mixed into one. Land efficient, but risky to the threat of pests and diseases. Example: a mixture of crops such as maize, soybean, cassava. 2 Holes and How to Plant Planting planting hole ditugal, depth of 3-5 cm, and each hole is filled only 1 grain seed. Spacing corn harvest adjusted for age, the length of the wide age Wisata Pulau Pari spacing. Corn harvest was over 100 days since planting, the planting distance 40x100 cm (2 plants / hole). Corn harvest 80-100 days old, 25x75 cm planting distance (1 plant / hole).